While long overdue, elected officials are finally digging into the truth about the pandemic that turned the world upside down. Worldwide, nearly seven million people died. Over 1 million Americans died as a result of COVID-19. From the very beginning, those entrusted with public health safety have lied. They have lied repeatedly. Now, bombshell evidence …

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If Americans were only exposed to the narrative spewed by the corrupt, leftist mainstream media, they’d believe a lot of stuff that’s simply not true. The progressive left has these parrots in their back pocket. Whatever the left wants told or promoted, the puppets in the mainstream media walk in step with their version of …

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Now, stop me if you’ve heard this one before… A close associate of the Clintons unexpectedly died from some very strange circumstances. Have you heard that one before? Well, guess what? It just happened AGAIN! This comes shortly after the last time it happened. Dana J. Hyde, a celebrated lawyer and former member of the …

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I promise you that this is not clickbait. Democrats in Maryland are seriously trying to pass a law in which anyone under the age of 25-years-old would not be charged with felony murder. This proposed legislation is not only misguided but also dangerous for our communities. Fox 45 Baltimore: However, opponents of HB 1180, like …

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Just more than three years ago, a deadly virus began spreading across the world like wildfire. Since then, SARS-CoV-2 has killed nearly 7 million people globally. Over 100 million Americans got the COVID-19. More than 1 million of those Americans died. The COVID-19 pandemic was the worst health crisis in more than a century. But what has Americans …

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Anyone who watches Joe Biden, even sporadically, can clearly see there’s a problem. The man began his time in the White House suspiciously unable to think clearly. Things have only gotten worse. Joe Biden is obviously incapable of being the leader of the free world. He’s so cognitively challenged that Biden can’t even remember what …

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The ERIC voter roll system, which is used in roughly 30 states across the United States, was originally pitched as an effective and efficient way to manage voter registration lists. However, there is strong evidence that this system has been anything but successful. For instance, in Wisconsin – one of the ERIC-using states – there …

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John Oliver, host of the show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, recently devoted an entire segment to criticizing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his administration. During the segment, Oliver expressed his disapproval of certain decisions made by DeSantis while in office, such as banning gender-affirming care for minors, passing a 15-week abortion ban, censoring …

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While the left says they’re for law and order, they are not. Leftist judges and prosecutors ignore criminal activity when it fits with their devious agenda. However, anyone with an opposing viewpoint will be hounded. Many, such as the hundreds of protesters present at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, will be persecuted for …

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After the chaotic event of January 6, 2021, leftist politicians and their corrupt parrots in the mainstream media have worked diligently to convince Americans that what happened was an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government. The left “said” they were determined to investigate what were otherwise peaceful protests, which turned chaotic. The so-called bipartisan January …

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