As the phrase “follow the science” has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in reaction to global events, so too has a phenomenon which defies scientific understanding…the idea of a “third gender” or even of being “non-binary.” This notion suggests that a person does not have to be either male or female, but can …

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In the era of partisan journalism, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find honest and impartial reporters. Rather than seeking the truth and serving their duty as dedicated professionals, most journalists have now become nothing more than political hacks, driven by clicks and ratings instead of objectivity. This is an unfortunate deterioration of journalistic integrity …

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Many people suffer from what is known at Trump Derangement Syndrome, which just seems to be a condition of them not being able to regulate their own emotions and function as normal human beings in life. Joe Biden happens to be one of them. According to the forthcoming book “The Fight of His Life: Inside …

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Former Speaker Newt Gingrich recently voiced his vehement objection to the lack of support for Kevin McCarthy’s bid for Speaker of the House, branding those against him as “Kamikazes.” In his words, Gingrich asserted that these individuals “will sink the whole Republican Party.” Unfortunately, many suggest that it is not the Kamikaze objectors but rather …

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Elected officials, such as presidents, are expected to possess a certain level of intelligence and integrity in their words and actions. However, it is not uncommon for them to make statements that are questionable or downright lies. These statements can range from simple mistakes that are easily forgiven to calculated lies that call into question …

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The U.S. Military places a high value on training its soldiers to be effective in combat and to protect national security. To ensure that military units can function as a cohesive team, soldiers must be disciplined and focused. This is why training is often rigorous and strict. It is important for soldiers to be able …

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Remember the good ol’ days of George H.W. Bush and his policy of, “Read my lips. No new taxes.”? Yeah, those sure were the good ol’ days alright. Now we are living in a time where we have a senile old man and a slew of other senior citizens in Congress deciding to do so. …

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The nasty House Democrats finally did it. They got their hands on President Trump’s tax returns and released them to the public so everyone can see…well, so they can see what? What was the ultimate goal of the Democrats in gaining access to his tax returns and releasing them to the public exactly? Did they …

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In no small part due to the radical progressive push to jack up the minimum wage, many businesses are looking for ways to save expenses. With the rise of artificial intelligence, it seems that cutting employee wages may be an option company executes are quickly exploring. If a company can implement an AI system with …

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Have you ever made a comment that you later regretted because you hadn’t thought it through beforehand? This can happen to anyone, but it seems to be especially common among politicians. This may be because politicians sometimes attack members of opposing parties out of anger or frustration, and end up making statements that they later …

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