Don Jr. Critiques Republican Establishment

Former Gov. Nikki Haley’s (R-SC) political career may have hit a major roadblock during Wednesday’s debate as entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy drew attention to the Republican establishment’s efforts to prop up Haley as an alternative to former President Donald Trump.

During an appearance on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday, Trump Jr. commended Ramaswamy’s performance in the debate and declared that he had “ended Nikki Haley’s political career” with his pointed remarks.

Trump Jr. also took aim at Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), claiming that he has shown “he’s just not any good” in these types of events, despite his growing popularity and success as a governor.

However, it was Ramaswamy’s statements that seemed to strike a chord with Trump Jr. and others, leading him to declare that the 38-year-old was the “smartest guy on that stage” and “smart enough to tell us perhaps what we want to hear.”

Ramaswamy’s performance drew attention to the division within the Republican Party, with the establishment trying to find an alternative to Trump. The former president currently holds a commanding lead in the GOP primary polls, with 60.3 percent of support. His nearest opponent, DeSantis, lags behind with 12.7 percent support, according to the RealClearPolitics GOP primary polling average.

Trump Jr. also argued that establishment donors have flipped their support to Haley in hopes of stopping Trump and retaining control over the party. He criticized these donors for wanting a “dancing monkey” in the White House who would need their financial support.

The New York Times reported in December that billionaire mega-donor Reid Hoffman, who has admitted to visiting convicted sex offender Jeffry Epstein’s island, donated $250,000 to the pro-Haley PAC Stand for America Fund to stop Trump.

Haley has also received an endorsement from Americans for Prosperity Action, a group linked to establishment conservative mega-donor Charles Koch and his late brother David. ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl reported that the group plans to spend tens of millions in the primary to stop Trump.

Trump Jr. concluded by calling out the establishment for trying to maintain control over the party and accusing them of not representing the conservative base anymore. He added that their support for Haley is a last-ditch effort to stop Trump and retain control.

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