Biden Signs EO On AI

President Biden signed a "landmark" executive order (EO) on artificial intelligence (AI), which has received both praise and criticism from experts in the rapidly developing technology.

The executive order, which Biden hailed as having the "most sweeping actions ever taken to protect Americans from the potential risks of AI systems," requires AI developers to share safety test results with the government and create standards to monitor and ensure the safety of AI. It also aims to protect Americans' privacy as AI technology continues to advance quickly.

In his remarks before signing the order, Biden stated, "AI is all around us. To realize the promise of AI and avoid the risk, we need to govern this technology."

However, the order has drawn mixed reviews from experts. Christopher Alexander, chief analytics officer of Pioneer Development Group, believes that the provision for the federal government to examine the "black box" algorithms that could lead to a biased AI algorithm could be helpful. He added that this needs to be a bipartisan effort with no political bias.

Jon Schweppe, policy director of the American Principles Project, stated that while there are warranted concerns about AI, some of the orders focus on the wrong priorities. He also believes that there is a role for "private oversight" of AI and that AI developers should be exposed to significant liability for any harm caused by their technology.

Ziven Havens, policy director of the Bull Moose Project, believes that the executive order is a "decent first attempt at AI policy." He believes that setting guidelines for topics such as watermarks, workforce impact, and national security is crucial. However, he also raised concerns about how long it will take to develop this guidance.

Phil Siegel, founder of the Center for Advanced Preparedness and Threat Response Simulation, described the order as thorough but questioned whether it attempted to take on too much. He believes that while the order addresses pillars such as fair algorithms and ensuring trust and safety, it falls short in protecting vulnerable populations and considering the scope of AI. Siegel stated that it is necessary for Congress to engage with the White House to make some of these measures into law.

However, experts agree that there are necessary steps required to regulate AI. Schweppe believes that there is a role for direct government oversight, especially when it comes to scientific research and homeland security. Havens emphasized the need for efficient development of guidance, warning that falling behind in the AI race could lead to failure.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News.

In conclusion, while President Biden's executive order has received mixed reactions from experts, there is a general consensus that regulation of AI is necessary to ensure its safe and ethical use. As the technology continues to advance, it is crucial that the government and private sector work together to create effective measures and guidelines for AI development and usage.

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