Clinton Body Count Increases Again

I know that the older a person gets, the more they are going to experience deaths, but surely there are some limitations on that. I've never seen so many people meet unexpected and unexplainable deaths as I have with the Clintons.

The tragic death of Mark Middleton, a special advisor to former US President Bill Clinton from Little Rock, Arkansas who was connected to deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, has recently been brought into the limelight due to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Radar Online. Middleton was found hanging from a tree with an extension cord wrapped around his neck and a shotgun blast to his chest at an 1,100 acre Perryville farm that is closely linked with Bill Clinton.

The investigation into the cause of the 59-year-old's death had been closed after it was ruled as suicide without any weapon being found at the scene. However, this has led to much speculation and numerous conspiracy theories from those who are skeptical about the ruling.

Daily Mail reported,

The report, written by Perry County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeremy Lawson, says he was called to the ranch by worker Samantha McElroy who had found Middleton’s abandoned black BMW SUV.

McElroy, 46, then walked around a cottage on the ranch.

‘Almost immediately after stepping around the corner of the cottage she started yelling,’ wrote Lawson.

‘Upon reaching the back of the cottage she pointed towards the rear of the property and asked if that was a person.

‘I could see what at first appeared to be a man sitting near a tree, as my eyes focused better, I could see a rope of some type going from the tree limb to the male.”

Lawson said it was clear that Middleton was dead.

‘I could see that he had a gunshot wound to the chest and that he had a knot tied in an extension cord that was around his neck and it was attached to the limb directly above him.

There is something strange going on here because you can only do this to yourself once. It can't be both ways.

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