Burgum Comments On Washington Post Report

FILE - In this March 3, 2016, file photo, Republican gubernatorial hopeful Doug Burgum speaks during at a debate in Bismarck, N.D. Burgum, a former Microsoft executive and entrepreneur, is considered an underdog in the June 14 Republican primary race against longtime Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem. Stenehjem has the party's endorsement and more statewide recognition than his wealthy opponent. (Will Kincaid/The Bismarck Tribune via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT

In a weekend interview on CBS News’ "Face The Nation," North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum vehemently denied a report from The Washington Post. The report alleged that former President Donald Trump offered to ease regulations for oil companies if their executives raised a billion dollars for his campaign to reclaim the White House. Burgum, who was present at the meeting in question, firmly rejected these claims.

“I was at that meeting,” Burgum asserted. “That did not happen. That is not what happened at that meeting. And that’s been reported over and over and over again.”

He emphasized that Trump did not solicit a billion dollars in donations and insisted there was no quid pro quo arrangement. Burgum defended Trump's past actions, highlighting that Trump's regulatory cuts benefited everyone, regardless of their political affiliations or donations.

“He didn’t ask for a billion dollars in donations, and there was no quid pro quo,” Burgum reiterated. “I mean, think what he did last time for the energy — this guy cut regulation for everybody, whether they donated to him or not. He helped get gas prices down for all Americans, Republicans, independents and Democrats, whether they donated to him or not.”

Burgum expressed his frustration with the spread of misinformation by individuals who were not present at the meeting. He found it infuriating that such claims were reported as facts.

“It infuriated me that people who were not at the meeting report it like it’s a fact, when it’s not a fact,” he said.

He described the nature of the meeting, stating that Trump spent the evening listening to and learning about the challenges faced by the oil executives.

“He didn’t make promises. He listened,” Burgum explained. “He went around the room for two hours asking each of the people to tell me, what are your challenges, what are you facing, what are the — what are the things — he was there learning the whole night about the challenges that we’re facing.”

Burgum also pointed out the complex relationship between Trump and oil executives, noting that they are not always in agreement, particularly when it comes to oil prices.

“Oil executives are not thrilled when he says, ‘I’m going to get oil prices down,’” Burgum said. “You know, they make more money when oil prices are up.”

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